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Real Life Mum Stories with Bubka

Mum Life with Bubka | Elise

How do you balance the different demands of being a new mum?

"As a mum to now 4 beautiful kids, the days are very busy and quite often I am breastfeeding while walking around the house and doing things with the other kids. Throw in daycare and school drop-offs and there is very rarely a quite moment to pump as well.

The key I've found to managing the "chaos" is to be organised such as packing bags the night before and finding ways to optimise time and this is where my Bubka is amazing! Quite often I am using my Bubka pump while getting the kids dressed and ready or tidying up before we run out the door."

What breastfeeding challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them?

"My breastfeeding journey with my 4th baby had a challenging start with him being jaundiced and a sleepy feeder and in turn my supply dropped. This led to a 2 hourly cycle of breastfeeding, pumping and bottling to boost my supply. I started my pumping journey at first with a pump that had me attached to cords and this made it incredibly difficult to be able to tend to the other kids at the same time.

In Bra Breast Pump

The Bubka has been absolutely life changing. I can now easily slot the pump into my bra and continue about my day, making snacks, playing with the kids or even tending to the little jobs around the house.

My biggest tip for other mothers would be to accept the help and advice. I thought being my 4th time breastfeeding that it would be so easy but each journey is different. I noticed Brady wasn't gaining weight as expected a week after discharging from hospital, so quickly booked into a lactation consultant and continued to see her once a week for 4 weeks to ensure he was feeding efficiently and gaining."

What support resources helped you during your breastfeeding journey?

"I was lucky enough to have access to 6 weeks of support with a lactation consultant as part of my ongoing care from my private hospital. I definitely recommend utilising a lactation consultant if you can, or alternatively the nurses at a community centre nearby."

What was a surprising place you found yourself using your Bubka Breast Pump?

"I'm yet to venture out of the house while pumping but I definitely recall the first time I used my pump while doing the dishes and I happily yelled out to my husband about how amazing it was to be able to pump and do the dishes at the same time! I love having the ability to be productive while pumping!"

Easy to use breast pump

What were some of the features you found useful about your Bubka Breast Pump?

"There are so many! I love how easy it is to assemble, the varying pumping strengths and functions(there is no way I would even need to use the maximum strength with how good the suction is), and how easy it is to empty the milk from the pump to a milk saver bag. The best pump I've ever owned."

Elise x

Check out this video of Elise pumping while cooking dinner and breastfeeding, demonstrating the ease of using Bubka breast pumps.


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